First impressions of Rise 360

Rather than beating around the bush with a load of introductory waffle I’m going to dive straight in.

Articulate Rise has impressed the eLearning Course designers at 4pt this week.

No, you can’t build all the detailed interactions that tools like Storyline and Captivate allow, but Rise has nailed responsive.

In getting responsive right, Rise has extended the reach of e-learning designers everywhere, and has made ‘mobile first’ a promise that e-learning designers can now keep.

Yes, it has limitations, but show me a designer who doesn’t thrive on limitations.

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Articulate Rise 360 Demo

We’re excited by the possibilities that Articulate Rise 360 opens up to eLearning course designers. Click the button below to view the first demo we’ve built in Rise, sharing an insight in to the Functional Rehabilitation of Injured Soccer Players.


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