Coronary Heart Disease
Portfolio > Bespoke eLearning

Project Overview
Project type: eLearning
Authoring tool: Articulate Storyline 360
Multi-format: HTML5, Flash
Project Description
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally, and, of all deaths from CVD, 85% are due to heart attack (myocardial infarction [MI]) and stroke.
This demo is an excerpt taken from our Coronary Heart Disease eLearning course containing the essential background needed to understand the cardiovascular system and its related diseases. The demo showcases the full range of eLearning development capabilities available to you when working with 4pt. From expert medical writers and professional proof readers, to instructional designers, graphic designers and eLearning developers, we have everything you need to turn your learning material in to engaging eLearning content.
Bespoke HTML5 Animation
Using video and HTML5 animation we are able to explain complex concepts to learners, boosting engagement and delivering core messages more easily.

Patient Case Studies
Learn how Coronary Heart Disease affects real people with our informative patient case studies.

Engaging Visuals
Illustrations, infographics, icons and pictographs are all used to grab attention and deliver key information to learners.

Interactive Knowledge Checks
Learning objectives are reinforced through the use of interactive knowledge checks that provide immediate feedback to learners.
Healthcare eLearning Specialists
Get in touch to discuss your next eLearning project.